Don’t know how to operate a mini loader? For those who are still inexperienced in the field it might be daunting at first.
These operating tips apply to 5, 6, 7 & 8 series loaders. The operation of a 2 Series Kanga differs slightly.
Before starting, you should always make sure that
- You are wearing the required safety gear such as steel cap boots, safety glasses, gloves and ear protection, if needed.
- Fluids such as fuel, engine and hydraulic oil are at the correct level, and the fuel cap is securely tightened
- The air filter pre-cleaner is free from any debris

Begin by standing on the machine operator platform and hold on to the handle bars.
Adjust the throttle. Turn the key to the glow light position (Diesel Loaders), wait until the green light turns off, then start the engine.

Adjust the throttle into higher revs and familiarise yourself with the controls.
By using the far-left lever, we can open and close the 4in1bucket jaws. Pushing it away will open the bucket and pulling it towards you will close it.

Use the lever right next to it to move the loader arm. Pulling it towards you will lift the arm up and pushing it away will drop it down.
On the opposite side, the outside right-hand lever, will allow you to tilt the bucket forward by pushing it away and crowd it backwards by pulling it towards you.

The two centre levers allow you to drive the loader. To drive forward, push both levers away from you. Reverse by pulling both levers towards you. You can vary the speed by how far you push these levers.
They are also used to steer the unit. By moving the right lever you will turn to the left and by moving left lever you will turn to the right. For a smoother ride it is best to use both at the same time. For a full spin, push one lever forward and the other lever back.
Finally, the auxiliary power lever is used to operate a trencher or power head with auger.

Engaging the lever in the back position will allow the attachment to move forward. Pushing it away from you will allow it to operate in reverse.
Hence, when using an auger, pulling the lever and engaging it towards you, will drill into the ground and pushing the lever forward will allow the auger to spin in reverse. Using the auger in reverse, will help you flick of any debris.
When using the auger, slowly lower the arm to push the auger through the soil.
Before turning off the loader, lower the revs and allow the machine to settle. After it is settled, you can switch the machine off.
Should you have questions, while you’re on the job, the operator’s manual is always at hand.
Otherwise, feel free to reach out to us over social media, send an enquiry or call us at 1300 4 KANGA.
You can also check out this video on how to operate a mini loader easily and safely with the soft touch controls by Kanga Loaders.
How to use a mini loader / How to drive a mini loader